Decentralization of Politics

3 min readJun 18, 2020

Black Lives Matter is a decentralized movement that does not have an individual leader, an assigned party or elected spokesman. The centralization of a party or institution makes them weak and corrupt because it waters down objectives and pacifies legitimate anger. When capital and power are heavily concentrated in a centralized government, it creates a top heavy system that exploits low wage earners.

The definition of looting as I understand is stealing resources during war such as like humans, land and labor. These looted resources can be passed down for generations and may even appear on deeds, like my ancestors or behind glass in museums. BLM is not just about police brutality, it addresses the hyper concentration of resources on militarization that kills thousands of people of color around the globe. Through class solidarity it has destroyed symbols of greed in America such as banks and redistributed resources to the working class. In Minneapolis a Target had its resources redistributed to members of the community. And in Seattle they have established an autonomous zone. Decentralization of politics means to rebuild communities, reimagine how we want to live and redistribute resources that have been stolen from the working class.

If images of American cities today came from a country with oil, lithium or palladium- we would have began sanctions, sent in troops, declared their elections illegitimate and undermined their government. Imperialism and colonialism will call for escalation of violence, and militarization and make peaceful resistance not an option. Western imperialism takes many forms the escalation of violent conflicts to predatory lending from the IMF and World Bank. They saw the wealth gap widening, the inversion of the yield curve- all the indicators before a recession, yet did nothing. The oppressive political institutions that fund police which that kill black civilians are not very different than the Structural Adjustment Programs that ravaged post colonial nations. The privatization of land and resources gives political and financial institutions god like power over the masses. When militarization and financial interests align, central banks and defense contractors have the green light to pillage and destroy the most vulnerable in society.

Politicians and the rich have been pushing to reopen the economy for their own greed, to return to things as they were, but we can not go back to normal when normal was the problem. Black Lives Matter is an opportunity to show class solidarity that crosses boarders.

When we rebuild, decentralized finance has the capacity to create communities of equity. People across boarders wont be subject to brutal sanctions or trade wars of their leaders.

Economic inequality has been allowed for so long that elites thrive in a world modern serfdom. The masses struggle to afford basics needs while the elite are on the doorstep of becoming trillionaires. The credit economy bubble is moments away from bursting and destroying with FIAT currency with it. In history, when the upper class becomes indifferent to the struggles of the people they employ, when they are disconnected from those they govern- a peasants revolt is ensues. Work will not make any of us free.

Looting is legal, if you are a central bank or billionaire just like murder is legal if you are in a uniform under the American flag.

