If Trump was a politician

2 min readNov 5, 2020

The “Election”

Im tired of people demanding I vote as if America didn’t embrace fascism before trump. Because my parents and their parents and their parents voted and that did not stop the lynching’s then and it wont prevent them now. When the government put kids in cages, forced women to have hysterectomies, rolled back abortion rights, drones villages, lead coups for resources, poisons black communities with lead and terrorized people of color, all of it was permitted.

It was radical to say the American government commits war crimes in 2004 during the invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq and within our own boarders because complacency is encouraged since birth. Americans are born to worship empty figure heads and turn a blind eye to every red falg that indicates we have never been a democracy. We are indoctrinated to not just permit, but encourage fascism. Told to thank the troops and respect officer and soldier, who hide behind the flag and uniform as they murder with impunity. Freedom only exists for those who turn a blind eye to war crimes as they fight to uphold imperialism and white supremacy.

America isn’t the home of the free when officers kill more civilians than ISIS, we have the largest for profit prison system in the world and our government invests more in weapons of mass destruction than schools. Mainstream Media has convinced Americans to fear immigrants, Black communities, Muslims, China, communists, everyone but our own government. Fear mongering has diverted attention from the true enemies of democracy by fabricating nonexistent enemies instead of resisting fascism at home. They concocted a war on drugs and a war on terror all while ramping up the surveillance and rolling back our rights.

If Trump was a politician from South America or Africa, the CIA and Congress would have backed his campaign. And if the Organization of American States and missionaries could not suppress democracy efficiently enough for him to win, there would be crippling sanctions imposed. But most Americans are blissfully ignorant. They are unaware of the lengths our government goes to impose imperialism. They have been convinced communism is the scary monster under the bed.

Fascists embrace capitalism because it gives them free reign to be able to pay workers as little as possible, cut environmental regulations and merge corporate interests with the political class. That is why both parties are pro fracking and will not defund the police. That is why both parties represent the elites best interests, because erosion of human rights, rolling back environmental protection and using state militia to enforce oligarchy are all encouraged by their corporate donors.

The most recent example of the ruling classes imperialist agenda is in Bolivia. A candidate who stood with unions- including workers in Lithium mines- was subject to a coup because Telsa and its board members knew the only thing standing between them and increasing their profits were labor unions ready to go on strike.

