Incessant Indifference

1 min readFeb 5, 2024

They feel too important to have their conscience soiled by their war crimes they fund. Their precious neoliberal sensitives must be protected at all times. You are an utter barbarian to turn away from genocide and still be able to live with yourself. It tells me you lack the necessities of a fucking soul. Your indifference is revolting. Because you defend your cognitive dissonance tooth and nail, and convince yourself genocide is not your problem and wipe your hand of “politics” while bemoaning people who are calling attention to it more than the perpetrators of indiscriminate airstrikes. You rabidly defend your ego, lack of morals, absence of backbone, (and blankly stair in the face bipartisanship failing to realize it is disguised and oligarchy) while trivializing other human lives to justify your apathy. The manner in which you trivialize Palestinian lives is indicative of your unbridled selfishness and ethnocentrism tells me your principles have been replaced with promo codes, polyester and popup sales

